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Kanat Komekov (Canaf ErHasan) : Painting, drawing, illustration.

Kanat Komekov (Canaf ErHasan) - Kazakh painter, watercolorist, illustrator, member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan.


Қанат Көмеков (Canaf ErHasan) - казахский живописец, акварелист, иллюстратор, член Союза художников Казахстана.

Portrait. Early March. Watercolor
ILL 7.3 (1)
ILL 6.2 (1)
ILL 6.1 (1)
ILL 8.1 (1)
#8.3 (1)
#8.2 (1)
ILL 7.3 (1)
Sunday. Oil on canvas. 56 x 49 cm
Free space. watercolor. 19 x 28 cm
Portrait. Watercolor. 18,5 x 27 cm.
Illustrations for the novel by Wilkie Co
Illustrations for the novel by Wilkie Co
Illustrations for the novel by Wilkie Co
Illustrations for the novel by Wilkie Co
Illustrations for the novel by Wilkie Co
Illustrations for the novel by Wilkie Co
Search characters. watercolor. 20x30 cm.
Evening in the village. watercolor. 14x22 cm.
Abylai Khan. (Kazakh Khan 18th century), oil on canvas. 64x80cm. Абылай хан. (Казахский хан 18 век)
Art critic. watercolor.
Window. Etude. watercolor. 14x23 cm.
Sketch. Search characters. Pencil. 20x29cm.
Portrait. Watercolor. 20x29cm.
Autumn morning. watercolor. 21x29 cm.
Matthew, chapter 18:3-5.  Matthew, chapter 13:9-17  watercolor. 48x70cm.
{Romans, chapter 12:19} sepia.20x30cm.
Luke, chapter 15 : 11-32  sepia 21x30cm.
James, chapter 1_13-15 watercolor
1 Corinthians, chapter 6 : 9, 10. sepia. 20x30cm.
Proverbs, chapter 20:1; Proverbs 23:29-35; 1 Corinthians, chapter 6 : 9, 10. sepia. 20x30cm.
The young shooter. sepia. 17x20cm. Юный стрелок. сепия
Revolution. 1 Peter, chapter 2:13-15 sepia. 20x30cm.
The power of prayer. sepia. 20x30cm. Сила молитвы. сепия. 20х30см.
Kazakhs. Search typecasting. watercolor. 20x30cm. Казахи. Поиск типажей. акварель. 20х30см.
The Singing. Search typecasting. watercolor. 20x30cm. Поющий. Поиск типажей. акварель. 20х30см.
Kazakhs. Search typecasting. oil, canvas. 20x30cm. Казахи. Поиск типажей. холст, масло. 20х30см.
Kazakh girls . Search typecasting. watercolor. 20x30cm. Казашки. Поиск типажей. акварель. 20х30см.
Kazakh girls . Search typecasting. watercolor. 20x30cm. Казашки. Поиск типажей. акварель. 20х30см.
Kazakh and Tatar girls. Sketches. watercolor. 20x30cm. Казашки и татарки. Наброски. акварель. 20х30с
Behind the easel. watercolor. 20x30cm. За мольбертом. акварель. 20х30см.
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Percy Faith – Dream Your Dream - Unknown Artist
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©canaf erhasan

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